Automobile Industry Analysis
The automotive industry has been the subject of significant interest in the past few years. The massive bailouts handed to the industry by the government leave everyone wondering whether those policies were wise. Even if you're comfortable with those bailouts, as a taxpayer you're probably still interested in your "investment."
The automobile industry remains a huge component of the American economy, particular the manufacturing sector. More and more manufacturing jobs are moving overseas and automobiles don't necessarily fit the criteria of the kinds of manufacturing that still makes sense in America. Despite that, so much infrastructure exists for the industry that it is difficult to envision how the economy would painlessly transform into something else.
Automobile industry analysis hinges primarily on whether or not there is any hope for American car manufacturing. While the bailout seems to have bought the companies time, there still remains question as to whether the costs associated with manufacturing cars in America are still viable. Whatever the future may hold, the impacts of any changes will be far-reaching and potentially devastating. Be sure to use these resources to help be prepared for any such upheaval.